I was working on a futuristic scenario of University and College teaching:
Professors will be able to canned their classes to be broadcast over one or several institutions simultaneously. Lesson will be recorded in different media: video, sound, photograph, animation; using every format possible of being transmitted by electronic impulses.
Faculty will signed teaching contracts with publishing, editorial and distributing houses and business. No more, experts will be tenured by academic institutions but they will market their knowledge and deliveries to multinational educational mega-enterprises. By the same token, e-learners will be able to taylor the academic programs with globally course offerings and catalogs.
What will remain, in my opinion, is the think tank or research institution where research will take place. Scientists will be affiliated to these institutions to carry on knowledge creation activities.
Personal face to face interaction will be a thing of the past. No more the tutor-apprentice primary relationship inspired by the Greek and Medieval masters.